
Special Seminars

One of the biggest draws of this festival is the chance to study in-depth with Rocio & Bruno (who will be in the U.S. for the first time) and with Ines Muzzopappa and Donato Juarez (stepping in at the last minute for Los Totis, as we have been unable to resolve Los Totis’ visa situation). Los Totis will give the planned seminar from October 18-20, 2024 to replace their missed visit to our festival.

Each seminar consists of four classes. The idea is to take all four classes, so the whole group can move forward together. The seminar times do not conflict, so you can take them both, if you like. You may take either seminar with or without a partner.

Attendees are encouraged to change partners and to try both roles. Participants should be at a solid intermediate level in tango or higher.

Each seminar must be purchased in its entirety. The seminars do not accept walk-ins.

Philadelphia Tango Festival

Duelo Criollo (R) Seminar


Rocio & Bruno will be offering a four-workshop seminar, based on the GAME that they have developed called Duelo Criollo ™. The game consists of forty cards. Through the lessons, you will learn to recognize the options that each card proposes, and work on the technique necessary to improvise within each framework. The game makes use of the paradoxical but real fact that creativity and improvisation happen more freely within the context of some guidelines and limitations.

Saturday, May 25, 4:30-5:45 pm
Workshop #1: The base, the embrace, the presence

Sunday, May 26, 1:30-2:45 pm
Workshop #2: Change of dynamic from rhythmic patterns

Monday, May 27, 1:30-2:45 pm
Workshop #3: How to deal with the space and give a new shape to known moves

Monday, May 27, 3-4:15 pm
Workshop #4: Combination of elements: squeeze your own moves to the maximum.

Philadelphia Tango Festival

We are hugely grateful to Ines Muzzopappa and Donato Juarez for stepping in at the last minute to teach and perform as part of the 2024 Philadelphia Tango Festival.

They will give a four-class seminar on the MOLINETE, during the time slots that were occupied by Los Totis’ seminar.

Saturday, May 25, 1:30-2:45 pm
Workshop #1: Useful elements to understand how to lead and follow turns

Sunday, May 26, 3-4:15 pm
Workshop #2: Giros in close embrace

Sunday, May 26, 4:30-5:45 pm
Workshop #3: Executing Sacadas, in turns, for both roles

Monday, May 27, 4:30-5:45 pm
Workshop #4: Enrosques and Lápices a for leader and followers.

Philadelphia Tango Festival

Los Totis Seminar

This seminar has been postponed to October 18-20, 2024, as we have been unable to resolve Los Totis’ visa situation in time for this festival. 😭

Los Totis have been dancing together since 1997. Watching them dance, you see all those years of experience in their perfect synchronicity and their exquisite musicality. In their four class seminar, they are going to give us some keys to the magic that embodies Los Totis’ dance.

Saturday, May 25, 1:30-2:45 pm
Workshop #1: Playing with the dynamics: musical exercises

Sunday, May 26, 3-4:15 pm
Workshop #2: Moving together: feel the same at the same time connecting with the energy of the movements

Sunday, May 26, 4:30-5:45 pm
Workshop #3: The flexibility of the embrace: closed embrace and vertical axis for walking and figures.

Monday, May 27, 4:30-5:45 pm
Workshop #4: Sequences combining figures from different thematics